"Who Else Wants A Super-Light,
Packs A MASSIVE 12-Functions?"
A Minimalist, High-End Multi-Tool Unlike Any Other
...And Made From Grade-5 Titanium.
From: Magnus Macdonald,
Dear Friend,
This is about YOU…
It’s about you getting your hands on something I’ve poured my heart and soul into.
Here’s the thing…
I could tell you about all the cold dinners, sleepless nights, and frustrated friends and family I had to deal with over the last few months.
I could also go on and on about the never-ending, trial-and-error mistakes I’ve made during this time as well. But I won’t.
Here’s the deal…
My name is Magnus Macdonald and I’ve spent the last few months designing, making and testing The ViperFish™ …a pocket-tool unlike anything you’ve see before!
You’ve probably watched the video above by now – so you’ll know what this project is about (and you probably know a little about me now too). But just in case there is any doubt — it’s where you…
You’ve probably seen loads of pocket-tool/wrench/bottle-opener kinda things before. I know I have. I don’t know about you — but I could just never quite find one where I said: “That’s it! It’s perfect – EXACTLY what I’ve been after for years!”.
They were either too impractical …or just average quality …or too heavy …or too clunky …or not enough functions …or any number of things that just didn’t cut it for me (..not to mention the fact that if I’m going to be carrying it around all the time — it’s got to look damn good!).
So yes, you guessed it….
I was so frustrated I ended up designing and making one myself.
After months of design, development, trial and error — starting from initial sketches…
Astonishing, isn’t it?
This over-the-top design and totally-unique, pocket-size tool packs an incredible 12-function punch!
Features include:
Bottle Opener
Twist-Top Bottle Opener
Paint-Tin Opened/Pry Bar
¼-Inch Hex-Bit Function
Metric Multi-Wrench
Imperial Multi-Wrench
Belt-Loop Holder
Piece of Art (I’m serious – I have mine on display!)
Yes, it looks good — but does it actually work? You can bet your life it does …and I’ll show you it “in action” in just a minute.
But, before we go into that…
Because of my obsessive/compulsive personality traits and the fact I won’t settle for anything but the very best. I didn’t even have to make a decision on the material…
Sure, I could have opted for “cheap and cheerful” aluminium — but it simply doesn’t have the strength I HAD to have for this one-of-a-kind pocket-tool!
What about stainless steel? Well, someone who is happy to settle for second-best might use it. Too heavy. Too clunky. Sorry – but it’s not for me …I DON’T DO “SECOND BEST”!
But that’s not all…
Because this is about making an absolute, no-holds-barred, over-the-top-quality pocket-tool …I’m making it out of the TOP GRADE TITANIUM!
To get into the specifics… I’m going to be producing this in Grade 5 Titanium. This grade is not only typically the MOST EXPENSIVE — but due to the unique blend of pure titanium, aluminium and vanadium — it’s got…
Or, in other words… do what you like to the ViperFish™ – it’s not going to break — PERIOD!
I knew it was going to expensive to use titanium – but the truth is: I had no choice!
But, if I’m making pocket-tool I’m going to carry around every day – it’s got to be…
Here’s the kicker…
Not only is TITANIUM the only thing to use when you’re making the ultimate …light-as-a-feather …strong-as-an-ox …super-sexy …multi-function pocket tool. But it’s going to give your self-esteem a boost too!
One of the incredible “unspoken secrets” of a titanium pocket-tool like the ViperFish™ (…and it’s the kind of “secret” that nobody wants to talk about — but I will!) is the prestige that comes with owning and carrying it.
Because, believe it or not…
You will be using this tool a LOT more than you think. How do I know this? Because that’s what happened to me!
I’ve been carrying one of the earlier prototype versions around with me for some time – and I’m still astonished at how much I use it. But it completely blew my mind how many people tried grabbing it off me every time I went to slip it back into my pocket. It even started to annoy me!
The same questions kept coming up… ‘what’s that?’ …‘where did you get it?’ …‘what’s it made of? TITANIUM?! Wow – I’ve never felt titanium before!’ …and so on. You get the idea…
And it got worse…
Even the engineer who had been helping me with the initial prototypes literally ignored me while I was trying to pay him – he was absolutely hypnotized by the ViperFish™. I’m serious. While holding onto one of the prototypes he simply said, “I WANT one of these when it’s finished!”
People will try to touch it… grab it… (and maybe even steal it!). Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Now, you’re probably wondering…
How does the ViperFish™ actually PERFORM — let’s take a look…
As if that’s not enough…
I’ve gone even further in making the ViperFish™ truly the “best of the best” in every way. I had my sister (who’s an artist by the way) custom design a one-of-a-kind logo.
This custom logo is laser-etched into the titanium using an insanely-powerful 80-watt laser (…that’s around 80,000 times more powerful than a typical, handheld-style laser pointer!)
I’m here for one reason (and one reason only) – but I’m simply telling you the truth.
Let me share a secret with you…
I’m not some professional engineer. The ViperFish™ is the result of months of design, trial-and-error, frustration and not settling for anything but the best. (…mostly all done at my kitchen table!)
My tools have been my trusty kitchen table:
My 3D printer for prototyping:
Some small titanium “off-cuts” I’ve had high-pressure-water-jet cut to create the initial ViperFish™ prototypes:
And lastly my “baby” is a tumbler I have running 24/7 (even as I type this!) perfecting the finish on the final ViperFish™ prototypes:
Still not convinced?
I understand (I’ve backed a few projects myself). During the last couple of years I’ve run a number of websites and sold eBooks, software and video courses.
During this time I managed to gain first-hand, in-the-trenches, front-line experience in fulfilling orders, providing customer support, back-end operations, logistics …and everything in between. (it’s not the most “glamorous” part of this whole thing – but I know it’s the most important part!)
And in addition to that…
When it comes to shipping – then I’m going to enlist the help of my Mother …she has a business selling high-value books — and ships all over the world. When it comes to foolproof packaging, on-time shipping and rock-solid logistics – she’s my #1 choice!
And while we’re at it…
I’m going to give you my greatest promise of all…
I am serious about this – I stand behind what I make 100%!
If you’re not blown-away by the over-the-top quality and insane functionality of your ViperFish™ when you receive it – just send it back to me and I’ll refund your pledge amount. Easy. Simple. No questions asked.
In fact, I can do better…
I’m going to give you a LIFETIME GUARANTEE with the ViperFish™.
There are absolutely no restrictions on this guarantee I’m giving you …if you somehow manage to break, bend, or snap your ViperFish™ (or even if you simply don’t feel it’s quite the right tool for you) – just send it back to me and I will replace it, or refund you the money you pledged at any time.
Here’s the deal:
I’ve done a reasonable sized run of these ...but I honestly don’t know if I’m going to produce any more once they’re gone.
The only way to ensure you get your hands on a one-of-a-kind ViperFish™ is to order below RIGHT NOW:
Yes, I Want To Order The ViperFish™ At My Exclusively Discounted Price Of Just $67!
I Understand everyone else pays $89, but I pay just $67 when I order RIGHT NOW!
I also understand this discount is available only right now and Magnus cannot guarantee it will be available again.
I am also aware I will be getting Magnus' personal 100% Unconditional LIFETIME Guarantee when I order the ViperFish™ - and this is why I am ordering by clicking the 'Order Now' button below RIGHT NOW:
Click Here here to order your ViperFish™
for just $67 (+S&H)
If you miss out on this run then I honestly can’t guarantee I’ll be making them again. Seriously.
When they're gone ...they're gone!
Magnus Macdonald
P.S. Lastly, I just want to remind you... Once you’ve ordered I will have your ViperFish™ packed, shipped and on its way to you right away!
P.P.S. And remember... you're also going to be getting my personal unconditional LIFETIME guarantee. Click below to order RIGHT NOW!